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 History of the Homestead 
 Family History
 17 Streaming Family Videos 
 Links of Interest
 History of Our Family Reunions
 2012 Reunion
 2010 Reunion
 2008 Reunion
 2006 Reunion

NOTICE: The last copies of the Revised Red Whiting Book are available.  Click Here

Welcome everyone!

In 2007, this website was established to help run the 2008 E.M.Whiting Family Reunion.  The website helped us prepare for the 1000 participants that came that year.  It saved us thousands of dollars in postage for advertising and made pre-registration a convenient reality. We also provided a detailed history of that reunion, including:
  • Highlights
  • Photos
  • Passport to the Past
  • Sunday Talks
  • Charming Stories
  • Isaacson Video
This website has provided similar support for subsequesnt reunions.

Over the years, as it has become more difficult for the family to gather, we continue to learn how useful this website is in keeping our family close to our hearts.  It is very convenient to store family history here. And many death notices have been shared. 

Adapting as new technology appears, we now have a Facebook Page that has been very useful.

Feel free to contribute to this website by sending emails to ProvoRice@gmail.com or r2rice@gmail.com.

Copyright � 2022 WhitingHomestead.com   Editor: Diana Rice  | Webmaster: Roger RiceX

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